aapoker| "A gold bracelet has increased by almost 10,000 yuan"! The difference between the recycling price and the gold price is nearly 200 yuan/gram

Date: 5个月前 (04-14)View: 123Comments: 0

The near futureAapokerThe international price of gold is rising, and the price of gold jewelry is also rising. A survey by a reporter from Taurus in the China Securities News learned that in addition to the rise in the price of gold jewelry priced by gram weight, the "one-bite price" gold jewelry prices of several gold brand stores have been adjusted recently, with different product price increases differing, with some rising by more than 10%.

Industry insiders suggest that gold prices are affected by a variety of factors and fluctuate greatly, and investors need to take into account the overall trend of international and domestic gold prices and commodity unit prices and other factors to buy rationally.

The price of gold has been raised.

Zhou Shengsheng, a staff member of a store in Xicheng District, Beijing, told reporters that the store's transshipment beads and karat gold "one-bite" gold jewelry began to implement the new price on April 12, but at present, "one-bite" gold has a 17% discount and a 12% discount until the end of the month.

A product price comparison table shown to reporters by the above staff shows that the increase in related products is between 6% and 8%.

aapoker| "A gold bracelet has increased by almost 10,000 yuan"! The difference between the recycling price and the gold price is nearly 200 yuan/gram

The reporter learned that, in addition to Zhou Shengsheng, Chow Tai Fook, Chao Acer and other gold brand stores "mouthful price" gold has also been raised recently.

"the one-bite price of gold in our store was adjusted about half a month ago, and the current prices are all new." Chow Tai Fook Chaoyang District, Beijing, a store staff told reporters that the company notice to complete the price adjustment before April 15, different regions, different stores may be different.

In terms of the rate of increase, the staff member said that the price increases of different products were different, with an overall increase of 10% and 20%. "take a gold bracelet with a 'mouthful price' as an example, it was 29800 yuan before the price increase and 38600 yuan after the price increase."

According to industry insiders, the sales mode of gold jewelry is mainly divided into "pricing by gram weight" and "mouthful price". In terms of weight gold, the price of jewelry gold in a number of gold jewelry stores is close to 730 yuan / g. On April 13, the price of Zhou Shengsheng's gold jewelry is 723 yuan, and the price of Zhou Tai Fook and Liufu jewelry is 726 yuan / g.

The difference between the recovery price and the gold price is nearly 200 yuan / g.

With the rise of gold prices, the recovery price of gold has also gone up, and many gold investors are also considering cashing out their gold. However, there is still a large gap between the gold recycling price and the gold price in a number of gold brand stores.

Take Chow Tai Fook as an example, on April 13, the recovery price of gold was 537 yuan / g, compared with the price of 726 yuan / g, the difference was 189 yuan per gram, and the gap was even greater compared with the "one-bite price" gold with a price of more than 1000 yuan per gram. In addition, there are some gold brand stores that do not provide gold recycling services.

Industry insiders suggest that gold jewelry usually contains art design, brand premium and other factors, more suitable for daily wear, compared with investment gold bars, gold jewelry investment price is relatively low.

In addition, the reporter learned that when the "mouthful price" gold is trading in the old for the new, most gold shops can only choose the "mouthful price" to replace the "mouthful price", but not the heavy gold according to the price. If consumers want to replace the "one-bite price" gold into gram weight gold, they can only exchange it according to the gram weight and gold price, and also need to make up for the gold price difference and processing fees of the new products replaced.

Qiao Mu, senior partner of Beijing Huixiang Law firm and director of the Special Committee on Digital economy and Compliance Management Law, advises investors to consume rationally and consider their own purchase needs, whether for the purpose of preserving the value of investment or for the love of jewelry itself. should comprehensively consider the overall trend of international and domestic gold prices and commodity unit prices and other factors to avoid impulsive consumption.

Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of China Merchants Association, said that the price of gold is affected by a variety of factors and fluctuates greatly, and investors should have a certain risk aversion ability.

Review: Zhao Bai Zhi Nan

Editor: Zheng Yashuo Wang Yin


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