gameslotmegaways| 2317 consumers shouted to insurance companies: high medical insurance deductibles, lack of medical insurance, cost performance needs to be improved

Date: 4个月前 (05-23)View: 66Comments: 0

SourceGameslotmegawaysFinancial federation

The operation of medical insurance fund in China is facing multiple challenges such as economic downward pressure, aging population, rapid urbanization and so on. As an important supplement to basic medical insurance, what is the supply of commercial medical insurance in China to meet the diversified medical security needs of residents?

Zhu Minglai, director of the Health Economics and Medical Security Research Center of Nankai University, said in an interview with the Financial Associated Press on May 23: "in 2022, the premium scale of China's commercial medical insurance reached 389.4 billion yuan, and nearly tripled in five years. However, up to now, the role of commercial medical insurance in reducing the burden of residents' health expenditure is still limited, the adjustment of market supply still lags behind the change of residents' demand, and the mismatch between supply and demand leads to weak market growth.

According to the newly released Blue Book on the Development of Commercial Medical Insurance in China (hereinafter referred to as the Blue Book), the data obtained from 2317 questionnaires and interviews show that more than 40% of consumers think that commercial medical insurance deductibles are high. more than 60% of consumers expect to improve the level of liability protection inside and outside the health insurance catalogue. Especially in the product development, design and service development of the commercial medical insurance industry, consumers expect the future industry to launch commercial medical insurance focusing on the loss of disability income.

More than 40% of consumers think that commercial medical insurance has a higher deductible and it is difficult to reimburse for minor ailments.

In 2016, with the help of the then popular Internet platform economy, millions of medical insurance exploded in the market as soon as it was launched, and one of its most eye-catching product designs was the 10,000 deductible.

That is to say, when an insurance accident occurs, the insured will bear the medical expenses of 10,000 yuan by himself, and the insurance company will pay compensation for the part that exceeds 10,000 yuan. It is through the product design of "10,000 deductibles" that the insurance company has successfully opened up the domestic millions of medical insurance market.

gameslotmegaways| 2317 consumers shouted to insurance companies: high medical insurance deductibles, lack of medical insurance, cost performance needs to be improved

On the one hand, in the situation of lack of pricing data and insufficient operation capacity of claims settlement at that time, the design of "10,000 deductibles" helped insurance companies reduce the occurrence of small claims and keep the risk bottom line while reducing claim costs.GameslotmegawaysOn the other hand, it also enables insurance companies to reduce premiums and increase the amount of insurance.

But nowadays, the ingenious product design of "quota-free setting" has also been criticized by consumers. According to the Blue Book, there are still 43% of existing consumers' assessment of commercial health insurance.Gameslotmegaways.9% think the deductible is high.

Some new citizens interviewed in good health said: "at present, there is greater downward pressure on the economy, and they all hold a more conservative attitude towards future income expectations. At the same time, because there is no serious illness expense for the time being, deductible is one of its main product attributes.

Sun Xiaojun, head of the PICC Health Internet Business Department, told the Financial Associated Press that the quota-free setting is one of the reasons for the low compensation rate of short-term million medical insurance, which to a certain extent makes it difficult for consumers to reimburse for minor ailments and reduces the sense of achievement of the insured. However, "0 deductible" products require insurance companies to have sufficient data to support product pricing. At the same time, the rise of compensation rate also requires insurance companies to have a stronger practical ability to deal with claims.

More than 60% of consumers expect to improve the level of liability protection inside and outside the health insurance catalogue.

Among the factors that affect consumers' choice of commercial medical insurance, the coverage and reimbursement ratio are the most concerned by consumers. Relatively speaking, less attention has been paid to the strength of government support and the reimbursement cap line.

In terms of the expectation of upgrading commercial medical insurance, more than 60% of the existing consumers hope to improve the protection level of responsibilities inside and outside the health insurance catalogue. Among them, the young people between the ages of 18 and 39 are relatively willing to improve these two levels of security.

It is worth noting that from the direction of product security upgrading, most potential consumers are in line with the expectations of existing consumers and can accept additional payments to improve the protection level of responsibilities inside and outside the health insurance catalog. In particular, most potential consumers can increase the quota and reduce the reimbursement cap line to achieve sick insurance, but they are less willing to narrow the scope of protection. Zhu Minglai said: "this shows that most consumers pay more attention to commercial medical insurance as the most basic protection function of insurance products."

New citizens look forward to launching commercial medical insurance focusing on the loss of disability income

At present, the total population of new citizens in China is about 300 million, accounting for more than 20% of the total population. New citizens have become an important force in promoting social and economic development, but the construction of a synchronous security system is also imminent.

Due to the poor job stability of some new citizens and other new business type practitioners, and their weak ability to resist the risks of medical treatment, disease, and accidents, this group has a stronger security ability and traverses the cycle of economic and life fluctuations. it has also become an important issue to promote the harmonious development of society.

A Didi driver from Zhanjiang, Guangdong, said: "I hope to introduce some minor surgery insurance." For example, myopia surgery insurance, because they want to do but afraid of surgery failure or there are some very obvious sequelae after surgery. After having insurance, there will be a little psychological comfort, so that there will be protection in the future. "

A staff member from an insurance technology said: "there are many uncertain factors in life that affect our health. If we encounter accidental injuries or diseases that lead to inability to work normally, we hope that we can still have an uninterrupted and stable income to maintain a normal life."

"it is hoped that we will not rigidly adhere to the type of insurance itself, and make some innovations in nursing responsibility and disability income compensation responsibility. For example, the introduction of a main insurance for millions of medical insurance, additional insurance covers disability income compensation, while disability liability can also follow the main insurance guarantee to renew commercial medical insurance products for 20 years. " The above-mentioned person said

In Zhu Minglai's view, insurance companies need to re-examine the relationship between supply and demand of commercial medical insurance and sort out the crux of the current situation of commercial medical insurance in order to open up new growth points for the development of the industry.


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