professionalpoker| China's iron ore output increased by 11.5%: inventories fell in May and prices fluctuated widely at high levels

Date: 4个月前 (05-21)View: 82Comments: 0

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[Iron ore market bottomed out and reboundedprofessionalpoker, setting a new high in the month]

On May 21, the main iron ore contract rose by 1.5%.professionalpoker.68%, closing at 908.0 points, setting a new record since 20 days. At the same time, open positions increased to 431,200 and transaction volume reached 330,900.

professionalpoker| China's iron ore output increased by 11.5%: inventories fell in May and prices fluctuated widely at high levels

At the inventory level, imported iron ore inventories at China's 45 ports totaled 147.4 million tons, down 120,000 tons from last Monday. The total inventory of 47 ports was 153.72 million tons, a decrease of 150,000 tons month-on-month.

In addition, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 21, China's raw ore output in April reached 87.904 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 11.5%. Cumulative output from January to April was 368.87 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 14%.

The high operation of iron ore prices is mainly due to the benefits of real estate market policies. A number of policy stimuli last week have had a positive impact on market sentiment and may form certain support for demand in the future. However, considering that the current supply and inventory levels of iron ore are still high, iron ore prices may fluctuate widely in the short term due to various factors.

For investors, the current market situation needs to be treated with caution. It is recommended to maintain a wait-and-see attitude and pay close attention to market dynamics.


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