seagamesinvietnam| CICC: How much room does Hong Kong stocks have to rise?

Date: 5个月前 (05-05)View: 95Comments: 0






seagamesinvietnam| CICC: How much room does Hong Kong stocks have to rise?




















1) which funds are the main force? After a comprehensive summary of various channels and data, we draw a preliminary conclusion: there is indeed an inflow of foreign capital, but the return of transactional funds and short selling cover do account for a certain proportion, and local and regional allocation funds also return, but it is difficult to confirm whether it is the main force. Due to the lack of complete and overall statistics of foreign investment and the impenetrable shareholding in the Hong Kong stock market, it is almost impossible to describe the source of capital once and for all, especially in such a short period of time. This also makes the recent information obtained by investors from various sources inconsistent, even contradictory.

From the EPFR active fund data that we track and recommend to use (mainly to measure the subjective long fund institutional investors, "how to depict and analyze foreign investment?" Foreign investment in some regions has returned but on a small scale, indicating that it is not a sustained substantial inflow and major contribution, otherwise it should be reflected in all channels and as a whole. Data from this week to Wednesday show that active passive capital outflows have narrowed significantly. This week, passive outflows were $237 million (vs. Last week, $1.182 billion), and active outflows were $279 million (vs. $488 million last week). From a regional perspective, active global funds turned into $27 million this week, while passive global funds and global emerging market funds turned into $41 million and $40 million, respectively.

Chart: overseas active funds have flowed out of the Hong Kong stock market for the 44th consecutive week

2) Why the sudden inflow? Rebalancing demand for local and regional funds under external market fluctuations. Judging from the characteristics that the inflows are mainly transactional funds and local and regional allocation funds, some of the inflows of foreign capital may be related to the rebalancing demand in the context of fluctuations in peripheral markets such as Japan and the US stock market: on the one hand, the 6.9% fall in the Japanese stock market from its peak and the sharp depreciation of the yen have cooled the once optimistic and even excited investment enthusiasm. On the other hand, US stocks continued to fluctuate after the recent Fed interest rate cut, which made the trading of long-day stocks and US stocks out of the Chinese market from the fourth quarter of last year, especially at the beginning of this year, not as good as expected.

As a result, some of the main positions are still in the Asia-Pacific region and emerging markets, and there is also a need for local and regional funds to rebalance their positions. By contrast, the re-inflow of European and American long-term funds into the Chinese market often needs to see more signs of stabilizing fundamentals, not just because of external market fluctuations.

This logic basically echoes the recent data on capital flows. Also based on EPFR data, the proportion of Chinese stocks allocated by all types of funds has rebounded to varying degrees since 2024, especially emerging market funds and Asian funds excluding Japan. As of the end of March, low-priced Chinese stocks of global funds (global funds) were 0.21% (benchmark ratio 0.89%, low allocation 0.30% at the end of 2023), global emerging market funds 1.92% (benchmark ratio 23.73%, low allocation 2.76% at the end of 2023), and 1.68% except US funds (benchmark ratio 3.78%, low allocation 1.99% at the end of 2023). Asia except Japan funds low-priced Chinese stocks 3.31% (benchmark ratio 25.55%, low allocation 4.8% at the end of 2023).

Chart: all regional funds have declined in varying degrees to the degree of low allocation in China.

Chart: global funds in active funds, global and global emerging markets in passive funds all have inflows to varying degrees.

Second, how much room is there for the inflow of foreign capital? Regional rebalancing funds are more due to external fluctuations, while the return of more long-term funds needs to be based on improved fundamentals.

At present, the market is generally concerned about how much room for the inflow of foreign capital. We believe that if only fluctuations in the external markets lead to the rebalancing of funds from the main positions in the Chinese and Asian markets, the scale of this inflow may be relatively limited, such as the full recovery of outflows since the first quarter of this year.

By contrast, longer-term capital inflows and increased allocation to the Chinese market require a long-term logic based on improved fundamentals.

We make the following two assumptions according to different situations:

1) if all the sustained outflows since the first quarter of this year were returned, it would correspond to $4.9 billion, equivalent to 17 per cent of outflows from highs in 2021 and 26 per cent since 2023. The reason for choosing the first quarter of this year is that the peripheral markets, especially the Japanese stock market, have become the main focus of global investors' attention. as a result, it may lead to some capital outflows and long-day stocks, with more outflows from the United States and Europe in the early and second half of 2023. If you roughly use this as a reference, corresponding to the EPFR caliber, 17% of the outflow since 2021 and 26% of the outflow since 2023.

Chart: at present, Japanese stocks have fallen significantly from their highs, while the yen has depreciated more.

Chart: large inflows of foreign capital into the Japanese stock market since the beginning of the year

Chart: the main outflow of foreign capital in the fourth quarter of last year was European funds.

2) if the proportion of global funds allocated to the Chinese market returns to the standard allocation, it will bring an inflow of US $42.1 billion. As mentioned above, all the major regional funds have been underallocated to China. We assume that the above four types of funds all return to the standard allocation of Chinese stocks. Take the global fund as an example, the current total size is 1.1 trillion US dollars. If it returns to the standard allocation from the current low allocation ratio of 0.21%, it corresponds to an inflow of 2.32 billion US dollars. Similarly, with the exception of potential outflows from funds in the US, emerging markets and Asia excluding Japan, the total could lead to a return of $42.13 billion. However, this assumption may require more long-term logic to improve long-term fundamentals, which depends on active fiscal efforts to reverse the current credit contraction, rather than just because of external market volatility.

Third, how much room is left for Hong Kong stocks? Risk premium is the main contribution, short-term emotional overdraft; there may be 2-7% room for mood improvement alone.

This round of market is mainly driven by the valuation pushed up by the capital side. Of the 13.7 per cent rise in the Hang Seng index since April, valuation expansion contributed 14.0 per cent and earnings shrank 0.3 per cent. When the valuation was further dismantled, the risk premium fell by 11.5 per cent, contributing to all increases in the valuation, while the weighted risk-free interest rate between China and the US contributed a small 0.8 per cent.

After the recent rapid rise, the short-term overdraft is obvious. From the technical and emotional indicators such as the degree of overbought and the proportion of short selling, the current degree of overbought is 88.4, which has reached the highest level since January 2023, and the proportion of short selling transactions has quickly fallen back to the recent low of 14%. At the same time, the Hang Seng Index near 18000 is also the key resistance level of the daily line, weekly line and monthly line, and is obviously in a state of emotional overdraft.

So in the medium term, how much room to rise? We measure it in two ways:

  1) 若风险溢价回落到去年中和年初的水平,分别对应约2-7%的空间。我们上文中提到的单纯资金再平衡的驱动主要对应的风险溢价的回落。当前,港股市场风险溢价为7.3%,已经降至去年中7-8月附近水平。结合上文分析,假设盈利和无风险利率保持不变,若今年一季度以来资金全部回流,风险溢价降至去年中的低点,则对应估值仍有有约2%的上涨空间,对应点位19000点左右,如果进一步降至去年初的低点,则对应7%的空间,接近20000点。

  2) 若后续政策持续发力,推动乐观情形下盈利增长10%,对应约20%的上涨空间。结合政治局会议中关于财政、地产、货币的乐观表述,如果后续政策力度兑现后真能推动信用扩张,则基本面能有较强修复,长线资金亦有可能进一步回流。我们在《中金2024年展望 | 港股市场:不疾而速(完整版)》中的测算,乐观情形下我们预计2024年盈利或可以实现10%的对应增长(当前我们预计盈利增速为5%),同时假设当前无风险利率不变,风险溢价降至7%左右,我们测算约仍有20%的上涨空间,对应恒生指数点位22,000点。





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