baccaratgcash| National Development and Reform Commission: Trade protectionism in the name of "overcapacity" actually harms global trade and economic growth

Date: 5个月前 (05-03)View: 73Comments: 0



baccaratgcash| National Development and Reform Commission: Trade protectionism in the name of "overcapacity" actually harms global trade and economic growth









Third, the promotion of trade protectionism will lead to a backlash and will eventually lift a stone and drop it on its own feet. History has repeatedly proved that trade protectionism does not benefit itself at the expense of others, and there is no winner. In 1930, in order to reduce imports and clear the domestic backlog of products, the Hoover government of the United States issued the Smoot-Hawley tariff Act, which substantially raised import tariffs on more than 20,000 foreign goods, which was counteracted by trading partners one after another. as a result, US exports have fallen sharply. According to the Moody's report, the United States has imposed significant tariffs on Chinese products, while American importers bear more than 90 percent of the cost of imposing tariffs on imports from China. Bloomberg also pointed out that the steel protectionist measures taken by the United States over the past decade have not stopped the loss of jobs in the US metal manufacturing industry, but have increased costs in other areas and reduced the competitiveness of the industry. Now, some countries are trying to build trade barriers to other countries' new energy industries in the name of "overcapacity", which is likely to once again harm the interests of their domestic enterprises and the well-being of their people. Protectionism leads to the mismatch between supply and demand of global factor resources and products, which will undoubtedly further increase the domestic price pressure of the countries concerned and delay the process of reducing inflation.

Third, firmly oppose protectionism in the name of "overcapacity"

In the current era, economic globalization is a general trend, and all countries are interdependent and integrated communities of interests, and openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation are the only correct choices.

On the one hand, countries should join hands to practice true multilateralism. Persist in looking at the issue of production capacity objectively and dialectically from the perspective of economic laws, and actively explore and strengthen cooperation. Fully respect the objective law of the international industrial division of labor, unswervingly promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and constantly enhance the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. We will firmly uphold the multilateral trading system with WTO at the core and promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, balanced and win-win direction. We oppose the pan-politicization and security of economic and trade issues, persist in tearing down walls rather than building walls, opening up without isolation, and integrating without decoupling, so as to promote the building of an open world economy.

On the other hand, China will unswervingly promote a high level of opening up to the outside world. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has developed itself and benefited the world in the course of opening up. At present, China is already a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, and the total tariff level has been reduced to 7.3%, close to the level of developed members of the WTO. No matter how the world situation changes, China will adhere to the basic state policy of opening up to the outside world, and the door of opening up will only open wider and wider. China will continue to create a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, legalized and internationalized, further deepen reforms in key areas and key links, steadily promote institutional opening up, and take care of each other's core interests with other countries on the basis of mutual respect. Adhere to dialogue and consultation, expand the "cake" of common interests, and constantly link the world with a high level of openness.


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