crapscasino| Profitability continues to improve Ou Feiguang's net profit attributable to its parent company in the first quarter increased by 104.44%

Date: 5个月前 (04-30)View: 76Comments: 0

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Profitability continues to improve Ofeiguang's net profit increased by 104.44% in the first quarterCrapscasinoOn the evening of April twenty _ ninthCrapscasinoOfeiguang (002456) unveiled its first quarter report in 2024. In the first quarter, Oufeiguang realized operating income of 4.646 billion yuan, an increase of 72.33% over the same period last year.Crapscasino, 591...

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Profitability continues to improve Ofeiguang's first-quarter net profit increased by 104.44%. On the evening of April 29th, Ofeiguang (002456) disclosed its first-quarter report in 2024. In the first quarter, Oufeiguang realized operating income of 4.646 billion yuan, an increase of 72.33% over the same period last year.Crapscasino, 5.9104 million yuan, an increase of 104.44% over the same period last year. Ofeiguang has made a profit for four consecutive quarters since the second quarter of last year. The company's net profit from the second quarter to the fourth quarter of 2023 was 4.3921 million yuan, 54.3182 million yuan and 376 million yuan, respectively, according to the company's 2023 annual report. In 2023, Ofeiguang's product structure optimization results began to show, smart phones, smart cars, new areas of product revenue and gross profit increased compared with the same period last year. According to the annual report, Ofeiguang's revenue from smartphone products was 12.253 billion yuan, accounting for 72.66 percent, up 6.69 percent from the same period last year; revenue from smart car products was 1.908 billion yuan, accounting for 11.32 percent, an increase of 41.67 percent over the same period last year; and revenue from products in new areas was 2.408 billion yuan, accounting for 14.28 percent, an increase of 43.06 percent over the same period last year. In 2024, with the continuous recovery of consumer market confidence, the development of superimposed technological innovation and the continuous improvement of intelligent penetration, smart cars and consumer electronic products represented by smart phones are expected to usher in better development opportunities. In terms of smartphones, in the face of the trend of industry change, Ofeiguang will continue to optimize its business model, actively improve its product structure, strengthen its market share of high-end products, and enhance its business profitability. The company will continue to invest in research and development, improve the added value of technological innovation, and vigorously develop high-end lenses, high-end camera modules and other optical core business. Steadily, gradually consolidate and enhance market share, and maintain the global leading position in the field of optoelectronics. In terms of smart cars, Ofeiguang's intelligent vehicle business planning and system-level product customization capabilities are deeply in line with the development trend of the automotive industry, and will effectively benefit from the continuous progress of the industry's technology. While grasping the market trend, the company will continue to sort out the orders on hand, focus on superior business, focus on core customers, concentrate superior resources to create star products, and seize the leading position in the industry, in order to achieve sustained business growth and improve profitability. In new areas, Oufeiguang continues to strengthen the development of new technology products, multi-directional layout of intelligent door locks, motion cameras, industrial and medical, VR/AR and other new areas of optical optoelectronic business. The company actively explores the field of forward-looking technology, develops new application scenarios and business models, strives for medium-and long-term development space, and looks for new profit growth points. With the help of the core advantages such as the fast-growing industry market scale, good customer reserve and advanced R & D capabilities, the company will significantly increase the proportion of revenue in new areas, making it an important growth contribution area for the company in the future. When referring to the business objectives and work ideas in 2024, O'Figuang said in the 2023 annual report that in the future, the company should take cash flow as the basis, operating profit as the orientation, market customer as the center, optimize the product and customer structure, and consolidate the company's leading position in the industry. (Wen Sui) proofreading: Liao Shengchao

crapscasino| Profitability continues to improve Ou Feiguang's net profit attributable to its parent company in the first quarter increased by 104.44%


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