
Date: 5个月前 (04-12)View: 136Comments: 0













  刚说的是场景和产品,对于技术路线方面又有哪些挑战?我们整个团队参与了学会的商用车技术路线图1baccaratbarsolaire.0, make an overall evaluation of each technical route, which is combined with the corresponding scenario. A consensus has been reached on the diversified technical route of commercial vehicles, but there is still a lack of clear policy guidance on the policy side, such as the points policy. The degree of development of various types of technology maturity is also different. For pure electricity now basically belongs to the mainstream of new energy, plug-in companies have corresponding products, which have just been introduced, but our survey of the overall cost feedback from various enterprises or relatively speaking the competitive advantage is not very obvious. The fuel cell itself has the problems of car and energy replenishment, and there are corresponding technical difficulties for the recent hot hydrogen and even ammonia internal combustion engine, which need to be overcome. There is also hydrogenation and hydrogen storage, which is a problem not only for the automotive industry, but also for the energy industry to work together. This is an existing challenge to the technical route.

Looking back at the traditional energy-saving technology, there is still some room for upgrading in energy-saving. We have investigated the development potential and cost of energy-saving technology in the industry. We can see that commercial vehicles still have a lot of room for energy-saving technology improvement. At the same time, relying solely on the limit standard of bicycle fuel consumption can not fully stimulate enterprises to carry such a driving force for energy-saving technology, which also belongs to the need for a new policy to supplement and encourage.

In the second part, I would like to report to you the relevant research progress and design ideas on the commercial vehicle points policy over the years.

On the whole, the overall goal is still goal-oriented, while taking into account safety and prudence, and encourage and guide key areas and key advanced technologies. The most important goal orientation is to combine the national "double carbon" strategic goal, and to ensure national energy security, because commercial vehicles are a very important link in production. In order to ensure the safety of industry and production, we must adopt positive and steady goal orientation.

For the integral policy industry is expected to be simple, with higher maneuverability, reduce the corresponding compliance costs of commercial vehicle enterprises, and reduce unnecessary investment in product research and development. At the same time, it is aimed at guiding the development of the corresponding technical route for low-carbon and zero-carbon hydrogen internal combustion engines in recent years.

This is the consensus we have reached in the industry as a whole, that is, the feedback given to us by our team and the commercial vehicle companies of the working group in the process of commercial vehicle points policy research.

In the new situation, there are still some challenges, especially the overall market development is still less than expected. At the same time, the scene of the commercial vehicle itself is also diversified, and the technical route is also quite different. For the development of multi-element low-carbon technology in the industry, there is such a demand, but also need the corresponding policy to give a clear signal.

Next is the evaluation of how to set up a more scientific and reasonable management mechanism. We made an overall assessment of various schemes in the early stage. What is the impact of an enterprise's average fuel consumption on the commercial vehicle industry? The other is the scheme of single integral of new energy.

After the overall evaluation, we found that only using the average fuel consumption score of commercial vehicle enterprises, for some products of subdivided models, its new energy technology guidance is still insufficient, especially for different models of new energy guidance is limited, and can not be accurately encouraged.

On the other hand, it aims at new energy points, which can achieve the role of taking into account both the subdivision of the scene and the specific energy-saving technologies. At the same time, in the integral policy, we can also give corresponding encouragement and support to vehicles equipped with new energy internal combustion engines, such as hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and other zero emissions or zero life cycle carbon emissions. This is also to guide and encourage the corresponding development of advanced technology. This is a scheme for new energy points.

The next step is how to set and evaluate the overall management strength. This takes into account the corresponding national strategy, including the decomposition of the "double carbon" goal, divided into the automotive industry, and then subdivided into the commercial vehicle industry. And for the development of the market itself, what is its development potential? for example, the penetration rate of new energy will reach 19% to 33% by 2030, which is a relatively optimistic estimate. We should also take into account the current level of international development, such as the European Union and the United States just introduced by teacher Niu Tianlin, we should look at the pace and extent of progress in other countries, neither radical nor backward, and make an overall synthesis. Set our overall target for the proportion of new energy by 2026 and 2028.

What is the evaluation of the strength of different models? What points have been considered? What are the principles? For example, the economy of TCO, when the new energy commercial vehicles can be tied with fuel vehicles, and the detailed analysis of the subdivision scene, when the commercial vehicles based on logistics and sanitation will be able to reach a certain scale and achieve the goal of extended range. There are also corresponding design principles for the proportion of different models, including urban public transport, traction, self-unloading, new sanitation, and setting the proportion of vehicles according to the actual situation for different scenes and models.

Next is the model of the proportion of bicycles, what is the methodology, and what is the basis of our calculation for each type of model? In the future, the corresponding points for commercial vehicle products should also take into account the input of the whole technology, as well as products and use scenarios, these factors affect the contribution related to carbon emissions. This is based on different models to set the bicycle, single integral ratio.

Next, for the commercial vehicle points policy is very optimistic estimation, after the implementation of the entire society, the entire industry has what kind of effect evaluation.

We are divided into three aspects, the first is the market. It is expected that after the release of the three-year points policy, the corresponding benefits are expected to promote the growth of 625000 new energy commercial vehicles, which is expected to reach 1.19 million in 2028, including 135000 new energy heavy trucks. This is our overall comprehensive calculation. This is the market level.


Second, for the iterative development of technology, it is taken into account that for different product platforms and corresponding technologies, leading enterprises and new car-building forces also have early reserves for technology. however, more new energy products need to be supplied in the market, which further promotes the increase in the number of new energy products.

Third, returning to the final carbon emissions target will save a total of 17.28 million tons of energy and reduce carbon emissions by about 52.85 million tons in three years, which is based on the relevant impact on the industry after the introduction of the points policy.

The research, participation and formulation of the points policy can not be separated from the joint participation of the industry and various enterprises, especially the new forces of car manufacturing and parts enterprises. Here, we also call on the industry to actively participate in the points research and discussion process, and everyone expresses their own views. Express their own demands, support the commercial vehicle points policy can be launched more scientifically and reasonably, and contribute to the transformation of new energy for commercial vehicles.

OK, thank you!

(note: this article is based on on-site shorthand and has not been reviewed by the speaker.)

Sina stated that all the minutes of the meeting were arranged in shorthand and had not been reviewed by the speaker. Sina's publication of this article for the purpose of transmitting more information does not mean agreeing with its point of view or confirming its description.


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