bingoslots| Baidu Mobile Ecosystem Vientiane Conference: Exploring new functional services of agents and opening a new era of intelligence

Date: 4个月前 (05-22)View: 96Comments: 0

News summary

Baidu will hold the first intelligent ecosystem conference on May 30bingoslots, released a number of new services based on large models.

Newsletter text

Baidu is about to hold China's first intelligent ecosystem conference

On May 30, the 2024 Baidu Mobile Ecosystem Vientiane Conference will be grandly held in Suzhou, with the theme of "Making Agents Available to Everyone", marking the first large-scale conference in China focusing on the field of agent ecology. A number of Baidu's products and services will launch new functions based on the big model at this conference, such as Baidu Search, Baidu Library, Wenxin Intelligent Platform, Baidu APP, Wenxin Yiyan APP and Baidu E-commerce, etc., to bring users a new experience.

bingoslots| Baidu Mobile Ecosystem Vientiane Conference: Exploring new functional services of agents and opening a new era of intelligence


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