onlinevirtualstrippoker| "Feng Jie" responded that she was secretly photographed. Don't affect my finding a partner: I have the right not to show off beauty, but that doesn't mean you can invade your private space to record me.

Date: 4个月前 (05-21)View: 92Comments: 0

On May 19, Luo Yufeng, known as Feng Jie, recorded a video to publicly respond to the recent filming of her in Central Park in New York, USA. She said that the filming made her feel extremely uncomfortable and even a little broken down. She hoped that Chinese people in the United States could respect her privacy and no longer disturb her life.

onlinevirtualstrippoker| "Feng Jie" responded that she was secretly photographed. Don't affect my finding a partner: I have the right not to show off beauty, but that doesn't mean you can invade your private space to record me.

Feng Feng revealed that her life in the United States has been affectedonlinevirtualstrippokerDue to the serious impact of filming, she dared not go to places where Chinese gathered and even missed job opportunities. Although she chose to work in a nail salon to avoid being recognized, she still failed to escape the fate of being photographed. She emphasized that she only wanted to live quietly in the United States and did not pursue too much exposure, and said,"I have the right not to show beauty, but this does not mean that you can invade my private space to record me."

Feng Feng became famous for her controversial remarks and behaviors on the domestic Internet in her early years and became an Internet celebrity. In the United States, part of her recognition and filming by the Chinese community may stem from curiosity about her past behavior. However, Feng Feng said that frequent secret photos have disrupted her personal life and affected her marriage and family plans.

She warned that if the filming continued, she would take steps to protect herself. In the video, Feng Jie looks fatter than in the past, but she does not pursue her Internet celebrity identity and does not want to be disturbed. Although returning to China to do live broadcasts may bring huge income, she is unwilling to do so.

Feng Feng expressed distress at the lack of respect for privacy in the Chinese community in the United States, and her life was greatly troubled. She begged everyone to let her go and stop taking pictures of her life. The public's comments on Feng Jie's appearance and attention to her personal life made her feel helpless and sad.

Faced with this situation, Xifeng may need to consider changing her place of residence to avoid constant filming and public attention and start her life again. At the same time, she is also faced with the choice of whether to return to China. Although life in the United States is not easy, she may not want to return to China because of her self-esteem and habits. The public and the media should respect Feng's right to privacy and reduce intrusions into her personal life.


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