crashteamracingplaystation1| More than 550 companies have declared dividends, accounting for 77% of the total... The scale of cash dividends of Shenzhen companies continues to increase and their awareness is gradually increasing

Date: 5个月前 (04-15)View: 136Comments: 0

The scale of dividends continues to increase, and the dividend situation of listed companies in Shenzhen continues to improve.

According to statistics, as of April 11, 2024, more than 550 companies in Shenzhen have declared annual dividends, accounting for 77% of the companies that have disclosed annual reports, and the total annual cash dividends have been announced to exceed 2%.Crashteamracingplaystation10 yuan, an increase of nearly 10% over the same period last year, and the enthusiasm of cash dividends of listed companies increased significantly.

Cash dividend return is an important index to measure the governance and value creation ability of listed companies, which is closely related to investors' sense of return. Listed companies in Shenzhen stock market continue to increase the scale of dividends, which is also in line with the direction of regulatory guidance.

On April 12, under the overall arrangement of the Securities Regulatory Commission, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange made the following optimization arrangements for the relevant dividend provisions in the "Stock listing rules" and "gem Stock listing rules".

Specifically, the new rules take strong restraint measures for substandard dividends. Companies that have not paid dividends for many years or whose proportion of dividends are on the low side will be included in the "implementation of its"Crashteamracingplaystation1His risk Alert (ST) situation.

Among them, in terms of the motherboard, the parent company and the company whose undistributed profit at the end of the consolidated statement year is positive and the net profit is positive, if the total cumulative cash dividend in the last three fiscal years is less than 30% of the average annual net profit, and the cumulative dividend amount is less than 50 million yuan, ST will be implemented.

Gem, taking into account the characteristics of different sectors and differences in companies, the absolute value of dividends will be lowered to 30 million yuan. At the same time, gem companies with cumulative R & D investment accounting for more than 15% of cumulative operating income in the last three years or more than 300 million yuan in the last three years can be exempted from implementing ST. The repurchase cancellation amount shall be included in the calculation of the cash dividend amount.

crashteamracingplaystation1| More than 550 companies have declared dividends, accounting for 77% of the total... The scale of cash dividends of Shenzhen companies continues to increase and their awareness is gradually increasing

In addition, the new rules also encourage listed companies to pay dividends several times a year. Listed companies are required to comprehensively consider undistributed profits, current performance and other factors to determine the frequency of cash dividends, and when conditions are available, increase the frequency of dividends to stabilize investors' expectations of dividends. Further clarify the benchmark of interim dividend and eliminate differences in understanding of the requirements of statement audit.

The reporter combed and found that at present, a number of representative enterprises with generous dividends have emerged in Shenzhen, such as BYD (002594), Ping an Bank (000001), Midea (000333) and so on.

In 2023, BYD's profitability increased significantly. The operating income was 602.315 billion yuan, an increase of 42.04% over the same period last year, and the net profit exceeded 30 billion yuan, an increase of 80.72% over the same period last year. With the support of strong performance, the company has greatly increased the level of cash dividends and shared the results of the company's business development with all shareholders. In 2023, the company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 30.96 yuan for every 10 shares to all shareholders, with a total dividend of 9.012 billion yuan, an increase of more than 170% over the same period last year, a record high.

The annual dividend ratio of Ping an Bank has increased significantly. According to the 2023 annual report, the company made a net profit of 46.555 billion yuan, an increase of 2.1% over the same period last year. The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 7.19 yuan per 10 shares to all shareholders, with a proposed dividend amount of 13.953 billion yuan, a substantial increase of 152% over 2022, and a dividend payment rate of 30% from 12.15% in 2022. The level of investor return has been significantly enhanced. The company will continue to actively optimize capital efficiency and rate of return in the future, and strive to create more value for investors.

Let's look at the Ningde era (300750) and Midea.

In 2023, Ningde Times achieved operating income of 400.917 billion yuan, an increase of 22.01% over the same period last year, and net profit reached 44.121 billion yuan, an increase of 43.58% over the same period last year. According to the company's profit distribution plan, the company's profit distribution plan for 2023 includes annual cash dividends and special cash dividends. On the one hand, it is proposed to pay out 20.11 yuan per 10 shares as the annual cash dividend to all shareholders, and on the other hand, in order to actively implement the special activity of "double improvement of quality and return", it is proposed to pay out 30.17 yuan per 10 shares as a special cash dividend, the total amount of dividends is as high as 22.06 billion yuan.

Midea's 2023 annual report showed that the company achieved operating income of 373.71 billion yuan, an increase of 8.10 percent over the same period last year, and a net profit of 33.72 billion yuan, an increase of 14.10 percent over the same period last year. The company plans to distribute cash dividends of 30 yuan for every 10 shares to all shareholders, with a total cash dividend of 20.761 billion yuan, an increase of 20% over 2022, with a dividend payout rate of more than 60%.

In addition to generous spending, there are a large number of companies in Shenzhen that maintain stable and sustained cash dividends all the year round.

Among them, Weichai Power (000338) since its listing in 2007, the company has implemented cash dividends every year to actively return to investors. The company will implement two dividends in 2023, with a half-yearly dividend of 1.952 billion yuan and an annual report of 2.554 billion yuan, with a cumulative dividend amount of 4.507 billion yuan. At the same time, the company examined and passed a motion on authorizing the board of directors to pay 2024 interim dividends to the company's shareholders, stabilizing investors' expectations of dividends.

Yunnan Baiyao (000538) attaches great importance to the protection of investors' rights and interests while maintaining the continuous improvement of the company's business performance, and is committed to improving the level of investment return for a long time. Since its listing in 1993, Yunnan Baiyao has paid dividends to shareholders for 30 years in a row, and the cumulative amount of cash dividends has exceeded 20.7 billion yuan. In 2023, the company has announced a total cash dividend of 3.7 billion yuan, an increase of 36% over 2022. Through steady operation and continuous dividend, the company shares the results of enterprise development with various stakeholders, creates excellent value returns for long-term value investors, and further promotes the healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise.

Since the listing of China Merchants Highway (001965) in 2017, the amount of cash dividends has increased year by year, and investors' sense of gain has continued to increase. In 2023, the company made a net profit of 6.766 billion yuan, an increase of 39.19% over the same period last year. According to the annual dividend plan, the company plans to distribute a total of 3.622 billion yuan in cash dividends to all shareholders for every 10 shares, accounting for more than 50% of the net profit.


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