cheetosbaccarat| Another big bank has carried out personal customer information management Postal Savings Bank: starting from August, it will further impose business restrictions on customers with incomplete and untrue information

Date: 4个月前 (05-27)View: 82Comments: 0

Source: financial Union

Reporter Peng Kefeng

How to prevent lawbreakers from using other people's bank cards for money laundering or other criminal activitiesCheetosbaccarat? Another big bank has informed that the verification of personal customer information will be carried out.

The near futureCheetosbaccaratThe Postal savings Bank of China said in an article on its website that it had recently carried out work to verify the authenticity, integrity and validity of personal customer identity information. Since August 2024, on the basis of the governance of personal customer information and business restrictions in the previous period, the Postal savings Bank will further restrict individual customers whose identity information is still incomplete, untrue or whose personal identity documents have expired and have doubts about the authenticity of their documents in accordance with the law.

This afternoon, a reporter from the Financial Associated Press found that since the beginning of this year, many banking institutions, such as Guangdong Xingning Rural Commercial Bank and Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives, have issued articles to carry out similar activities.

cheetosbaccarat| Another big bank has carried out personal customer information management Postal Savings Bank: starting from August, it will further impose business restrictions on customers with incomplete and untrue information

A brokerage banking analyst told the Financial Associated Press that it is necessary for banks to verify customer information. On the one hand, the digital transformation of banks requires more accurate user data; on the other hand, in a large number of telecom fraud cases in recent years, some lawbreakers use other people's bank cards to launder money and transfer money, while incomplete bank card information makes it difficult for the police to trace. It should be noted that in recent years, the stricter supervision of banking business is the trend of the times, and the "card-breaking operation" is an example. However, banks and relevant departments also need to prevent such actions from being too simplistic and to effectively protect the privacy of users.

The Postal savings Bank is not true. Customers' business will be restricted from August.

A few days ago, the Postal savings Bank issued a document saying that in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the provisions on the Real name system of individual Deposit accounts and the measures for the Identification of customers of Financial institutions and the Preservation and Management of customer identity data and transaction Records in the Anti-money laundering Law of the people's Republic of China, since April 2024, the bank has carried out verification of the authenticity, integrity and validity of individual customer identity information. Among them, the verification of individual customer identity information includes: name, sex, nationality, occupation, address of place of residence or work unit, contact number, type, number and validity period of identity documents.

The Postal savings Bank said that customers can check, check, update and improve their personal information when they handle business at the business outlets through the bank's mobile bank APP or with their valid identity documents. Since August 2024, on the basis of the governance of personal customer information and business restrictions in the previous period, the bank will further restrict individual customers whose identity information is still incomplete or untrue or whose personal identity documents have expired and have doubts about their authenticity in accordance with the law.

The Postal savings Bank also reminds users to be highly vigilant against phone calls, text messages, social media messages, websites and clients impersonating the name of the bank, and not to click on or scan various URL links or QR codes from unknown sources, especially when downloading the APP of our mobile bank by scanning the QR code, please be vigilant and carefully identify to prevent the disclosure of personal information or financial losses. If you have any questions, please consult the bank staff or call 95580 customer service number.

In addition to the Postal savings Bank head office, the Postal savings Bank Dezhou Branch also issued a document on May 17, saying that since May 1, 2024, the bank has carried out verification of the authenticity, integrity and validity of individual customer identity information. Verify the identity information of individual customers, including name, sex, nationality, occupation, address of place of residence or work unit, contact number, type, number and validity period of identity documents.

Recently, a number of regional banks have issued documents to check user information.

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press found that in addition to the Postal savings Bank, the other five major state-owned banks have not recently issued an article on the official website to introduce the relevant information on customer identity information governance activities. However, since the beginning of this year, a number of regional banks have declared their position and carried out similar activities.

On February 23, Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives said that in order to further implement the regulations on the real-name system of bank accounts and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of depositors, according to the relevant provisions such as the Anti-money laundering Law of the people's Republic of China, Inner Mongolia rural credit cooperatives will carry out customer information data management work throughout the jurisdiction. For private customers, our staff will inform you by phone or ask you to bring your valid certificate, passbook and bank card, and take the initiative to any network of rural credit cooperatives in Inner Mongolia to verify, update or close your account. If you fail to apply to the Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives within the time limit, you will be deemed to have known and agreed to take control measures to suspend the non-counter business of all the accounts of the Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives in your name. For the specific practices of public customers, our staff will inform you by phone or ask you to take the relevant documents and seals to the account opening outlets to verify information, update or handle account cancellation business. If you fail to apply to the Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives within the time limit, you will be deemed to have known and agreed to take control measures to suspend non-counter business on the accounts of all Inner Mongolia Rural Credit Cooperatives under the public customer information.

At the end of February, the Rural Credit Cooperation Association of Dengkou County issued an article saying that the Rural Credit Cooperation Association of Dengkou County will carry out customer information data management work under its jurisdiction. The agency will implement a 60-day announcement on customer information and data governance, and 60 days later will take control measures to suspend non-counter business for accounts whose customer information is still incomplete.

On April 19, Guangdong Xingning Rural Commercial Bank issued an official account saying that in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of depositors, further strengthen customer identification, ensure the safety of depositors' funds, and better provide financial services for depositors. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations such as the Anti-money laundering Law of the people's Republic of China, the measures for the Administration of customer identity Identification of Financial institutions and the Preservation of customer identity data and transaction Records, and the provisions on the Real name system of individual Deposit accounts, our bank will continue to carry out customer identity information management.

Guangdong Xingning Rural Commercial Bank said that for customers with imperfect identity information, if you have not updated your basic identity information, we will take control measures on all your accounts in accordance with the requirements of anti-money laundering laws and regulations. including, but not limited to, restrictions on non-over-the-counter transactions, collection and non-payment, suspension of financial services and other control measures. Restrictions on non-over-the-counter transactions refer to restrictions on cash, transfer, consumption and other capital transactions through channels other than the counter of business outlets, such as self-service equipment, electronic banking, UnionPay, Agricultural Credit Bank, Alipay, Tenpay and so on.


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