saturdaywinningnumbers| National Development and Reform Commission and other departments: Encourage the use of new technologies and new equipment such as artificial intelligence in film visual effects and post-production

Date: 4个月前 (05-24)View: 68Comments: 0

News summary

[National Development and Reform Commission and other departmentssaturdaywinningnumbers: Encourage the use of new technologies and new equipment such as artificial intelligence in film visual effects and post-production] Securities Times e Company Newssaturdaywinningnumbers, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Cultural and Tourism Fields", which proposed to improve the overall planning of film production.saturdaywinningnumbers.saturdaywinningnumbers..

Newsletter text

[National Development and Reform Commission and other departments: Encourage the use of new technologies and new equipment such as artificial intelligence in film visual effects and post-production] Securities Times e Company News, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Cultural and Tourism Fields", which proposed to Improve the overall level of film production. Encourage the use of new technologies and new equipment such as artificial intelligence, virtual shooting, and virtual previews in film visual effects and post-production. Promote the upgrading and transformation of the film post-production equipment system to achieve high-tech and standardization. Promote the establishment and upgrading of cloud production platforms and cloud data centers, and consolidate the industry's general production technology and computing power base.

saturdaywinningnumbers| National Development and Reform Commission and other departments: Encourage the use of new technologies and new equipment such as artificial intelligence in film visual effects and post-production


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