freemultilinevideopoker|循环水阻垢剂报价:恒毅4200元/吨 vs 河南森林环保4500元/吨

Date: 5个月前 (04-13)View: 122Comments: 0

Newsletter summary

Heng Yi and price adjustment of circulating water scale inhibitor in Henan forest environmental protection science and technologyFreemultilinevideopokerOn April 13, Gongyi Hengyi Water treatment Co., Ltd. announced that its quotation for circulating water scale inhibitor was adjusted to 4200 yuan / ton, while that of Henan Forest Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was raised to 4500 yuan / ton. Both companies are located in Henan Province / Zhengzhou City. The price update may reflect the price fluctuations and market demand changes in the circulating water scale inhibitor industry, attracting the attention of investors in the secondary market.

Text of news flash

[circulating water scale inhibitor commodity quotation update]

On April 13, Gongyi Hengyi Water treatment Co., Ltd. announced that its quotation for circulating water scale inhibitor was adjusted to 4200 yuan / ton, the product specification was PH value 2 ±1, and the appearance was colorless or yellow transparent liquid. The delivery place of the product is located in Henan Province / Zhengzhou City.

At the same time, the domestic brand Henan Forest Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. also announced that its quotation for circulating water scale inhibitor was raised to 4500 yuan / ton, which was also delivered in Henan Province / Zhengzhou City.

For investors in the secondary market, the updated offer may mean price fluctuations and changes in market demand in the circulating water scale inhibitor industry.

freemultilinevideopoker|循环水阻垢剂报价:恒毅4200元/吨 vs 河南森林环保4500元/吨

Risk Tip of Hexun self-selected WriterFreemultilinevideopokerThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.


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