sammohungskinnytigerfattydragon| How much impact will the three European countries recognize the Palestinian state one after another?

Date: 4个月前 (05-23)View: 70Comments: 0

Interface News reporter | Liu Ting

Interface News Editor | Liu Haichuan

May 22, 2024SammohungskinnytigerfattydragonThree European countries have successively declared recognition of a Palestinian state and called on other countries to follow suit. Analysts believe that this symbolic move will not have a substantial impact, but it is further isolatedSammohungskinnytigerfattydragonWith Israel and the United States, there is more and more diplomatic support from Palestine.

On the morning of the 22nd, Norway took the lead in announcing that Palestine would be recognized as an independent state. The country's prime minister, Jonas Garstler, said the effective date was set for the 28th.

"if the Palestinian state is not recognized, peace cannot be achieved in the Middle East." The Norwegian government also quoted Stiller as saying in a statement.

In addition, Stiller also told the media that several other European countries are expected to issue statements on the same day. "my impression is that more and more countries are rethinking, but I won't give any more details." "when they are ready, they will come forward and make their position clear," he said. "

Soon, Ireland and Spain followed suit. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a speech in parliament that he plans to formally approve the recognition of the Palestinian state in the cabinet on the 28th. Irish leaders also announced at a news conference that they would recognize the Palestinian state and would take "all necessary measures to implement this decision."

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris believes that the Palestinian people, like the Israeli people, should have the same right to self-determination, statehood and peace, and that the two-State solution is the only reliable way to achieve peace and security. For Palestine, being recognized has strong political and symbolic significance. Harris also stressed that "I believe that more countries will take this step with us in the coming weeks."

Malta and Slovenia have also publicly expressed their support and plan to recognize a Palestinian state, according to Reuters. From April to early May, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and the Bahamas formally recognized the State of Palestine.

This is an important moment for the Palestinians. Palestinian President Abbas issued a statement expressing high appreciation and welcome for the latest decision of the three European countries. He also called on States that have not yet recognized the State of Palestine to assume their responsibilities and to recognize the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

In response, Israel has announced the recall of the ambassadors of the three European countries. Israeli officials adhere to the previous position that the recognition of a Palestinian state should not be a unilateral declaration, but should be negotiated between the two sides. The Israeli foreign minister also believes that the move by the three European countries is tantamount to "encouraging terrorism."

However, European leaders stressed that the recognition of a Palestinian state does not mean anti-Israel or support for Hamas, but to promote a two-state solution.

Irish Prime Minister Harris said that they still firmly recognize the State of Israel and its right to security and peace, they also condemn Hamas and call on Hamas to release Israeli hostages as soon as possible, but "Hamas is not the same as the Palestinian people." the two-State solution is the only way out of the current cycle of violence and resentment.

The United States opposes the latest developments in Europe. U.S. national Security adviser Jack Sullivan said at a news conference that the only way to achieve a two-state solution is through direct negotiations between the two sides. France and Germany have expressed similar positions.

Phyllis Bennis, a researcher at the Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., told Al Jazeera that Spain and Norway are both very close allies of the United States, while Ireland is of special significance to Irish-American President Joe Biden. On the issue of Palestine and Israel, the United States has lost the support of these three countries, which is a symbolic major blow to the United States and Israel, which are increasingly isolated by the international community.

The basic position of the United States and its major Western allies is to agree that a two-state solution is the ultimate goal, "but now is not the right time." they believe that the premise is to reach agreement on a series of thorny issues first. such as the final border, the status of Jerusalem and Israel's security concerns.

sammohungskinnytigerfattydragon| How much impact will the three European countries recognize the Palestinian state one after another?

The issue of Palestinian statehood has been entangled for decades. In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan to divide the land known as "Palestine" (then controlled by Britain) into two states, Israel and the State of Palestine. But the Palestinians initially rejected the partition plan, arguing that it ceded too much territory to Israel.

Israel was founded in 1948, and many wars broke out with neighboring Arab countries. The further expansion of Israeli territory after the war has exceeded the partition plan of 1947, but the dream of Palestinian statehood has never been realized and Palestinian refugees have fled everywhere.

The signing of the Oslo Accords led by Norway in 1993 has achieved two important results. The first is to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Second, the Palestinian Authority has been established. However, the subsequent rounds of nation-building negotiations ended in failure.

At present, the territories that Palestine wants include East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel occupied these areas through the 1967 war, regarded the whole of Jerusalem as the capital, and maintained full control of the West Bank, where the Palestinian Authority exercised power only in designated areas.

In 2005, Israel fully withdrew its troops from the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Authority regained control. But Hamas won the election in 2007, taking control of the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. On April 24, 2024, Hamas indicated that if an independent Palestinian State could be established in accordance with the pre-1967 borders, Hamas would be willing to reach a ceasefire agreement with Israel for five years or more, as well as to disarm and become a political party.

Al-Jazeera statistics have so far recognized the Palestinian state. In the picture, the green part is the recognized country, and the white part is the non-recognized country.

According to the official statistics of the Palestinian Authority, as of May 8, 2024, a total of 144 countries have recognized Palestine, including 142 of the 193 members of the United Nations.

With the latest three European countries, 10 of the 27 member states of the European Union recognize Palestine, namely, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, Cyprus, Spain and Ireland. Norway is not a member of the EU.

In Africa, all African countries except Cameroon and Eritrea recognize Palestine. In Asia, Japan, South Korea and Myanmar are among the few countries that do not recognize it. In the Americas, the United States and Canada do not recognize it. Globally, mainstream Western developed countries with close ties to the United States have not recognized it, including all G7 countries.

China was one of the first countries to recognize Palestine. On November 20, 1988, China officially announced its recognition of the State of Palestine and established diplomatic relations. In June 2023, China and Pakistan also announced the establishment of a strategic partnership.

On April 18, 2024, the United Nations Security Council voted on Palestine to formally join the United Nations, but the United States vetoed it with one vote. On May 10, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution determining that Palestine meets the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the United Nations Charter and recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine's application to join the United Nations as a member state.


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