clubwptpoker| The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters on the recent passage of a package of foreign military aid bills by the United States

Date: 4个月前 (05-10)View: 82Comments: 0

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[a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered a reporter's question on the recent passage of the foreign military aid package bill by the United States.] Securities Times e CompanyClubwptpokerAccording to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered questions about the recent passage of a foreign military aid package by the United States. A reporter asked: recently, US President Joe Biden willClubwptpoker...

clubwptpoker| The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters on the recent passage of a package of foreign military aid bills by the United States

Text of news flash

[a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered a reporter's question on the recent passage of the foreign military assistance package bill by the United States.] according to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered questions about the recent passage of the foreign military assistance package bill by the United States. A reporter asked: recently, US President Joe Biden signed into law the foreign military assistance package, which contains a large number of negative provisions related to China. Does the Ministry of Commerce have any comment on this? A: China notes that on April 25, the US passed a foreign military assistance package, which contains a number of negative provisions related to China. The relevant provisions ignore the principles of market economy and fair competition and unreasonably crack down on enterprises of other countries in the name of so-called "national security." this is a typical act of unilateral bullying. The relevant bill also interferes with normal economic and trade exchanges between China and other countries, threatening to impose unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction", which is a naked practice of economic coercion. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied with this and firmly opposes it. We urge the US side to respect China's concerns and legitimate rights and interests and not to implement relevant negative provisions related to China. If the US side insists on having its own way, China will take resolute measures to firmly defend its own rights and interests.


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