livepokergames| Guotai Junan and Haitong deny merger rumors: Regulation supports mergers and acquisitions by leading securities firms

Date: 3个月前 (05-27)View: 87Comments: 0

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Rumors of the merger of Guotai Junan and Haitong Securities are falselivepokergames, but the market remains highly interested in securities firm mergers and acquisitions.

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Guotai Junan and Haitong deny merger rumors

Recently, there have been constant market rumors about the merger of Guotai Junan (601211) Securities and Haitong Securities (600837), but the latest official response has clearly denied this news. This rumor stems in part from the background that regulators encourage leading securities firms to enhance their competitiveness through business innovation and mergers and acquisitions, which has led to frequent speculation about securities consolidation in the market.

livepokergames| Guotai Junan and Haitong deny merger rumors: Regulation supports mergers and acquisitions by leading securities firms

The policy previously announced by regulators aims to support top brokerages in strengthening their strength and developing into first-class investment banking businesses. The direction of this policy has inspired investors to fantasize about the restructuring of the brokerage industry. Despite this, both Guotai Junan and Haitong emphasized in their clarifications that there are currently no merger plans and the relevant rumors lack factual basis.

The clarification suggests that the two brokerages will not take major M & A actions in the short term, and the market's continued focus on such speculation may need to be reassessed. Investors should follow official information when analyzing industry trends and avoid being influenced by unconfirmed news.


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